Privacy Practice

The Violette House Privacy Practice


This notice outlines our privacy policy regarding how we manage and protect your health information at The Violette House. It describes how we may use and disclose this information, as well as your rights in accessing it. Please read it carefully.

Under federal law (HIPAA), The Violette House is required to provide notice about your privacy rights and our commitment to protecting your health information. With the rise of digital data-sharing, it’s our responsibility to ensure that your confidentiality is maintained across all platforms.

The Violette House reserves the right to update this privacy policy at any time, provided such changes comply with applicable law. These changes will apply to all information we hold, including records from before the update. Any significant changes will be reflected in an updated notice, which you may request at any time.


We may use and disclose your health information for purposes such as treatment, payment, and healthcare operations. For example:

Treatment: We may disclose your health information to other healthcare providers involved in your care.

Payment: We may use or disclose your health information to bill and receive payment for services provided.

Healthcare Operations: We may use your health information for internal activities like quality improvement and staff training to enhance care.

Authorization: Beyond these standard uses, you may authorize additional disclosures. Such authorizations can be revoked in writing at any time.

Marketing: We will not use your health information for marketing without your written consent.

Legal Requirements: Certain laws may require us to disclose your health information. This may include situations involving abuse, neglect, or threats to safety, as well as specific requests from national security or law enforcement authorities.

Appointment Reminders: We may contact you with appointment reminders via phone, postcard, or letter.


Access: You may request copies of your health records, subject to a reasonable fee for paper copies.

Disclosure Accounting: You have the right to a list of disclosures of your health information for non-standard purposes within the last six years.

Alternative Communication: You may request that we contact you through alternative methods or locations. We will accommodate reasonable requests.

Amendment: You may request in writing to amend your health information. We may deny this request under specific circumstances.


If you have questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us at The Violette House. If you feel your privacy rights have been violated or disagree with a decision regarding your health information, you may submit a complaint to us or to the state health department. We respect your right to privacy and will not retaliate for filing a complaint.


Upon request, we can provide information regarding your healthcare professional’s background, experience, and affiliations with medical institutions. We can also share information about their participation in continuing education, licensure, and clinical performance reviews, where applicable. This information may be provided orally or in writing, depending on availability.